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Saturday, Mar 1, 2008 • A Grand and Glorious Feeling!: The Big Broadcast of 2008 • Not a SDLI Event

Posted by Tom on 02/13/2008 • Permalink

Gilbert & Sullivan Light Opera Company of Long Island Presents it’s annual Fund Raiser. A Grand and Glorious Feeling! celebrates the music of the 1920’s and 30s with 20 vocalists and the South Shore Syncopators 10-piece Dance Orchestra.

The “show”—it is more of a concert—is put together a la a 1930 radio band broadcast, the type of which was the mainstay of the airwaves of the time.  We have a few period-style commercials (for fictitious products), a little schtick here and there and some good music.  Food, wine, raffles, door prizes—I am sure you know the type of event.  It will take place at the Ethical Humanist Society in Garden City on Saturday night, March 1st at 8pm.

There are a few well-known chestnuts but also some songs that weren’t popular even when they were popular: “My Canary Has Circles Under his Eyes,” “Washing Dishes With My Sweetie” and a few others which, I suspect, are in few band’s active repertoire.

Website: http://www.gilbert-and-sullivan.net/

Venue: Ethical Humanist Society

Ethical Humanist Society
38 Old Country Road
Garden City, NY 11530

Phone: (516) 741-7304
Web: ehsli.org

Directions to the Society
The Ethical Humanist Society of Long Island is located at the west end of Old Country Road in Garden City, NY. The simplest way to reach it is to find your way to Meadowbrook Parkway in Nassau County. From the north, take exit M1W to Old Country Road. From the south, take exit M1 and turn left upon reaching Old Country Road. Exit M1 is the first exit on Meadowbrook Parkway south of the split from Northern State Parkway. Travel for about 1.5 mile to the Society which is on the south side of the road, by the blue water tower. (About 1.5 miles West of the Roosevelt Field Shopping Center.)

Organizer: This is not a Swing Dance Long Island Event (Not a SDLI Event)

The listed event is NOT sponsored by Swing Dance Long Island, Inc. This event was thought to be of interest to our SDLI’s members. Before traveling, always verify the event information directly with the organizer’s website, since things change and events do get canceled.

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