Tuesday, Dec 3, 2013 • 3rd SDLI Holiday Potluck Swing Dance •
The air is getting colder, the holidays are near, a time for celebraion to sprad a lot of cheer.
We will be having some buffet food and you are encourage to bring some desert or dish to share.
Door Prizes / Cash Bar
SDLI will provde trays of hot food.
Please bring your favorite dish/ dessert/snack to share (optional).
A beginner east coast swing lesson will be given at 7:30PM to get you on the floor. At 8PM our DJs will be playing some of their great swing dance tunes. A few ballroom dances will be in the mix as well.
The recently renovated Moose Lodge has a fabulous, HUGE 1000 square foot dance floor, freshly painted walls, new ceiling, new lighting & plenty of tables to relax and chat.
No partner is needed and beginners are always welcome. Come alone… Bring a friend… make a friend…