Upcoming Events

Saturday, Dec 13, 2008 • ‘Tis the Season for Dancin’ • SBU Dance Club

Posted by Tom on 12/06/2008 • Permalink

Holiday Ballroom Dance Social

Date:  Saturday, December 13th
Place: Student Activities Center, Ballroom A
DJ: Mark James
Italian Buffet, Door Prizes, BYOB
Table Reservations are only for 8 or more people, please provide us with their names.

Admission: $40/pp until Dec 6th
Please send your check, made payable to: Campus Recreation, to
Stony Brook Ballroom Dance Club, PO Box 134, Stony Brook, NY 11790-0134
If you provide an e-mail address, we can send you a confirmation.
Tickets are also available with Patii, Donamarie, Elaine, Lin-shu, Nancy and Victor

For more information or questions, please e-mail Victor at

Website: http://www.liballroom.org

Band: DJ Music

Music will be provided by DJ.
Image CC2.0-A: tatsuhico / Flickr

Venue: Student Activites Center - Stony Brook University

SB Ballroom

Ballroom A of the Student Activities Center is located in the heart of the Stony Brook University Campus. They have a wonderful large and modern ballroom for dancing and instruction.

Directions: Nicolls Rd North, Left at the 3rd Entrance Stony Brook Sign. Go up the hill and make a Right onto Circle Road. Continue to 3rd Stop Sign, make a Left onto Campus Drive. Take the immediate Left onto John S Toll Road and immediate Right into the parking lot. Walk in the same direction to the SAC about 500 ft away. It has large glass windows in the front lobby

Organizer: Stony Brook University Dance Club (SBU Dance Club)

The Stony Brook University Dance Club runs a full calendar of dance events at the Student Union Ballroom, including ballroom dance instructions on Monday and Wednesday evenings and Saturday evening dance socials.


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