Wednesday, Jul 18, 2007 • Picnic Pops 2007 - Doo Wop & Soul Revue • {REL[524][sponsor]JHeuKoj2REL}

Posted by Tom on 05/13/2007 • Permalink

Picnic Pops 2007 Summer Concert Series

Wednesday, July 18
Doo Wop & Soul Revue --Featuring Mike Murray (Music Director, The Chantels) and the West Side Boppers (from recent off-Broadway hit “Great Googley Moo"), with special guest Kyle Flandrau of Kid Kyle and the Kool Kats.

Gates open at 5:00 pm, dance lessons begin at 6:30 pm, with the Concerts beginning at 7:00 pm. Bring your friends and we’ll provide the soundtrack for an enjoyable evening under the stars.  Arrive early to picnic and stroll the gardens.

Admission: $10.00; $8.00 62 and older & members; children 12 and under free.  All concerts have rain dates to be determined.

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