Saturday, Jan 23, 2010 • Rockabilly Rave - Lindenhurst Moose Lodge • Not a SDLI Event
The 1st annual Rockabilly Rave featuring THREE live bands for only $10.
Big Daddy Deluxe
The Hornets
The Buzzards
Aslo featuring the Long Island Roller Rebels
Doors Open at 7:30 pm, lesson by SDLI at 8:00, show starts at 8:30 pm
Lindenhurst Moose Lodge
883 So. Broadway
Lindenhurst, NY 11757
Organizer: This is not a Swing Dance Long Island Event (Not a SDLI Event)
The listed event is NOT sponsored by Swing Dance Long Island, Inc. This event was thought to be of interest to our SDLI’s members. Before traveling, always verify the event information directly with the organizer’s website, since things change and events do get canceled.
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