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SDLI Membership

Members provide the life-blood of our organization. After all, without dance partners to dance with, it’s kind of boring. If you have an interest in dance, please consider supporting Swing Dance Long Island (SDLI) by becoming a member. Benefits of SDLI membership:

Discounts on SDLI events
Supporting a local volunteer organization
Great looking membership card

The membership year is October 1st to September 30th of the following year. Thus everyone’s membership will expire at the same time each year (September 30th). This way, everyone knows when their membership expires and we only need to do renewals once a year.

SDLI membership is only $12/year per person.

Join in Person
The best way to join is to fill out a membership application form at the door of any of our SDLI dances. This way, we will immediately issue you a SDLI membership card, upon receipt of your $12 dues. The membership card is your “reciept” of dues payment for that year.

Members receive discount on admission at SDLI’s weekly dances on Tuesday nights and during our Saturday dances.

Posted by Tom on 01/17 at 11:59 PM Permalink

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